List of 1034 references of address in transactions, filtered by:
Referenced Address 0x61e5e1ea8ff9dc840e0a549c752fa7bde9224e99
Tx Hash Tx Date / Time Event/Method Name As argument Smart Contract Note
0x4cf3750c4ad60aa... 19:22:59 22/11/22 Function createRetryableTicket callValueRefundAddress 0x931e1770bec7827... Internal transaction
0x4cf3750c4ad60aa... 19:22:59 22/11/22 Event TxToL2 _from L1 ERC20 Gateway, Arbitrum, Layer 2
0x4cf3750c4ad60aa... 19:22:59 22/11/22 Function outboundTransfer _to L1 Gateway Router, Arbitrum, Layer 2
0x4cf3750c4ad60aa... 19:22:59 22/11/22 Function outboundTransfer _to 0x52595021fa01b3e... Internal transaction
0x4cf3750c4ad60aa... 19:22:59 22/11/22 Function outboundTransfer _to L1 ERC20 Gateway, Arbitrum, Layer 2 Internal transaction
0x4cf3750c4ad60aa... 19:22:59 22/11/22 Function outboundTransfer _to 0xb4299a1f5f26ff6... Internal transaction
0x4cf3750c4ad60aa... 19:22:59 22/11/22 Event TransferRouted _userFrom L1 Gateway Router, Arbitrum, Layer 2
0x4cf3750c4ad60aa... 19:22:59 22/11/22 Event TransferRouted _userTo L1 Gateway Router, Arbitrum, Layer 2
0x4cf3750c4ad60aa... 19:22:59 22/11/22 Event DepositInitiated _from L1 ERC20 Gateway, Arbitrum, Layer 2
0x4cf3750c4ad60aa... 19:22:59 22/11/22 Event DepositInitiated _to L1 ERC20 Gateway, Arbitrum, Layer 2