All time
Referenced in transactions 0x5437290d5ce12d74794df751f6d329d2979ef6c6
List of 2 references of address in transactions, filtered by:
Referenced Address 0x5437290d5ce12d74794df751f6d329d2979ef6c6
Event/Method NewTotalShares(address podOwner,int256 newTotalShares )
As argument podOwner
Tx Hash Tx Date / Time Event/Method Name As argument Smart Contract Note
0x6a4386fa82b3989... 11:13:23 28/11/24 Event NewTotalShares podOwner 0x91e677b07f7af90...
0x1c579d72091d6c8... 08:56:47 28/11/24 Event NewTotalShares podOwner 0x91e677b07f7af90...