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Referenced in transactions 0xa939bffb33bed18dc0063737cb9ea41a1fdb2fe3
List of 46 references of address in transactions, filtered by:
Referenced Address 0xa939bffb33bed18dc0063737cb9ea41a1fdb2fe3
Event/Method Swap(address sender,uint256 amount0In,uint256 amount1In,uint256 amount0Out,uint256 amount1Out,address to )
As argument to
Tx Hash Tx Date / Time Event/Method Name As argument Smart Contract Note
0x6e722c393f9045b... 02:54:47 28/10/23 Event Swap to 0x1ac12d2e3913d5a...
0x57d854a8bb2f411... 09:56:11 25/10/23 Event Swap to 0x1ac12d2e3913d5a...
0x540a344805592e1... 05:18:59 21/10/23 Event Swap to 0xd8d459da59f994b...
0x97f950f3d10da2c... 04:27:59 21/10/23 Event Swap to 0xc49f0591f8ffa4d...
0x23c566b9880f8c2... 04:11:23 20/10/23 Event Swap to 0x4c756374492d928...
0x7e3946351587dbb... 10:52:23 19/10/23 Event Swap to 0x4c756374492d928...
0x86f7c14c75887e4... 06:33:47 19/10/23 Event Swap to 0x6c267b1a1f0e986...
0x4dcba4a77fd988c... 06:02:47 18/10/23 Event Swap to 0xf942c298e22818c...
0x4d060a50f18342d... 04:53:59 18/10/23 Event Swap to 0x9319b615b071d0e...
0x9541a3d37901a82... 04:53:47 18/10/23 Event Swap to 0x9319b615b071d0e...