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Referenced in transactions 0xd00bed9f43c14f981bbd9bcea0a56cb935712f22
List of 2 references of address in transactions, filtered by:
Referenced Address 0xd00bed9f43c14f981bbd9bcea0a56cb935712f22
Event/Method Swap(address sender,uint256 amount0In,uint256 amount1In,uint256 amount0Out,uint256 amount1Out,address to )
As argument to
Tx Hash Tx Date / Time Event/Method Name As argument Smart Contract Note
0x048453ba2ac34d3... 16:04:59 14/01/25 Event Swap to 0x06cd6245156c360...
0x9f90eb727dffcc8... 16:01:35 24/12/23 Event Swap to 0x1cd160109f840a3...