All time
Address 0x3451b6b219478037a1ac572706627fc2bda1e812 is
a Generic smart contract
in Ethereum Mainnet network. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this smart contract was involved, participated or was referenced. The detailed view can be opened by clicking the link on the TX count.
Balance 0.0000m ETH

Created by 0x11799622f4d98a2... in transaction 0x6211b2a6a4bf608... at 2024-10-16 10:59:35 +0000
Activities by time
Smart Contract Events

No events recorded for this smart contract

Currencies sent/received
Currency Receive Tx's Send Tx's
Ether 1.36M 554383 1.36M 929575
WETH 1.73M 680101 1.73M 685541
USDC 7.16G 70518 7.16G 94390
USDT 4.78G 69932 4.78G 81566
PEPE 2.01T 7289 2.01T 12646
WBTC 10,228.89 7627 10,228.89 8614
DAI 4.17G 7173 4.17G 7819
SHIB 1.44T 5025 1.44T 8130
TRUMP -- 1.56M 9674
DOGE -- 257.94M 7041
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Referenced in transactions
Referenced in as Tx Count
Event Transfer from 689548
Function swap executor 661280
Function swap desc.srcReceiver 640031
Event Transfer src 572756
Event Swap sender 558272
Event Transfer to 445579
Event Deposit dst 439853
Function transferFrom to 434941
Function transfer to 372420
Event Swap sender 327246
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Relations with other addresses
Error on query We're sorry, but something went wrong (500)