All time
Address 0x34bdba9b3d8e3073eb4470cd4c031c2e39c32da8 is the Concrete-LBTC-Vault (ctLBTC) ERC20
in Ethereum Mainnet network. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this token was traded, participated or was referenced. The detailed view can be opened by clicking the link on the TX count.
accruedPerformanceFee 0
accruedProtocolFee 0
asset LBTC
decimalOffset 9
decimals 17
depositLimit 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935
feeRecipient 0x800123cac8afd42...
feesUpdatedAt 1738011959
firstDeposit 1733496767
getAvailableAssetsForWithdrawal 271778788626
getRewardTokens []
getStrategies [["56d47372a66b3f640bff83e745de7d10f4b29075",[0,10000]]]
getVaultFees [0,0,0,[[0,0,500],[0,501,2000],[0,2001,5000],[0,5001,10000]]]
highWaterMark 1000000000
name Concrete-LBTC-Vault
owner 0x6caa4edcbe47770...
paused true
protectStrategy 0x0 address
symbol ctLBTC
totalAssets 271778788626
totalSupply 271778788621771968451
vaultIdle false
withdrawalQueue 0xf3db86a4984cb81...
Balance 0.0 ETH
Created by 0x1fa1c72a48243e7... in transaction 0x8b56e129982260c... at 2024-11-25 20:29:11 +0000
Activities by time
Smart Contract Function Calls
Currencies sent/received
Currency Receive Tx's Send Tx's
LBTC 2,722.33 21739 2,722.33 867
ctMS 2,717.79 837 --
AERO 200.00G 2 --
DEEPSEEK AI 100.00T 1 --
BROCCOLI COIN 100.00G 1 --
GROK3 AI 899.88G 1 --
Referenced in transactions
Referenced in as Tx Count
Function balanceOf who 92346
Function approve spender 43838
Function transferFrom to 43478
Event Transfer to 22581
Event Approval spender 21919
Function transferFrom from 1674
Function deposit _srcToken 926
Event Transfer from 867
Event Deposit owner 837
Event Deposit sender 837
The first 10 rows displayed, Show More...
Relations with other addresses
Error on query We're sorry, but something went wrong (500)

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