All time
Address 0x67fd56402147831a32b28b31d887fa0b59e6d0dd is
a Generic smart contract
in Ethereum Mainnet network. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this smart contract was involved, participated or was referenced. The detailed view can be opened by clicking the link on the TX count.
Balance 0.0000 ETH

Created by 0xf14bd6c704291fa... in transaction 0x9f4d236e7f94370... at 2020-08-03 18:33:05 +0000
Activities by time
Smart Contract Function Calls
Smart Contract Events

No events recorded for this smart contract

Currencies sent/received
Currency Receive Tx's Send Tx's
WETH 1.81M 3865 1.81M 3833
Ether 905,310.21 3821 905,310.21 1931
DAI 3.82M 11 3.82M 42
USDT 4.07M 12 4.07M 12
USDC 519,366.92 3 519,366.92 3
UNI 400.00 1 400.00 1
Referenced in transactions
Referenced in as Tx Count
Function operate actions.otherAddress 5709
Function transfer to 1977
Function transferFrom from 1960
Event Transfer dst 1947
Event Deposit dst 1918
Event Transfer src 1917
Event Withdrawal src 1916
Event Approval src 1904
Event LogCall accountOwner 1903
Event LogDeposit accountOwner 1903
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