Method name | Calls Count |
setShares | 1844 |
claimReward | 338 |
depositFromPairedLpToken | 107 |
depositRewards | 5 |
Contract Creation | 1 |
Event name | Event Count |
AddShares | 1049 |
RemoveShares | 795 |
DistributeReward | 625 |
ClaimReward | 338 |
DepositRewards | 42 |
Smart Contract | Method | Tx Count |
pOHM | balanceOf | 2084 |
pPEAS | processPreSwapFee... | 1844 |
PEAS | transfer | 625 |
pOHM | allowance | 443 |
pOHM | approve | 443 |
0x7d544dd34abbe24... | protocolFees | 401 |
PEAS | balanceOf | 287 |
0xc2b0a3f6f6e58ee... | yieldAdmin | 282 |
0xc2b0a3f6f6e58ee... | yieldBurn | 282 |
0xe592427a0aece92... | factory | 240 |
Referenced in | as | Tx Count | |
Function | balanceOf | who | 2599 |
Event | Transfer | from | 722 |
Event | Approval | owner | 480 |
Function | allowance | owner | 443 |
Event | Transfer | to | 121 |
Function | transfer | to | 114 |
Function | swapExactTokensFo... | to | 76 |
Function | swap | to | 76 |
Event | Swap | to | 76 |
Event | Burn | user | 42 |
Address | Calls | References | Transfers |
pOHM | 2988 | - | - |
0x7d48d6d775fada2... | - | 2856 | - |
pPEAS | 1920 | 152 | - |
spPEAS | 1845 | - | - |
PEAS | 959 | - | - |
0xc2b0a3f6f6e58ee... | 683 | - | - |
0x024ff47d552cb22... | 498 | - | - |
0x7d544dd34abbe24... | 401 | - | - |
0xe592427a0aece92... | 277 | 74 | - |
Uniswap, Router, Router 2 | - | 228 | - |