All time
Address 0x9a93e55065142643e36cdc372ac8279668fd7a96 is the Genie AI (GNAI) ERC20
in Ethereum Mainnet network. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this token was traded, participated or was referenced. The detailed view can be opened by clicking the link on the TX count.
_deployer 0x8cac3075a5ea21c...
_taxSwapThreshold 100000000000
owner 0x0 address
Balance 0.0 ETH
Created by 0x8cac3075a5ea21c... in transaction 0x003c9efebc8f391... at 2025-02-02 14:40:23 +0000
Activities by time
Genie AI Top Transfer Flows
Sender address Receiver address Amount Tx Count
GNAI 0x7b5b903ec7fc322... 1 004 000 000,00 GNAI 4
0x000000000000000... GNAI 980 000 000,00 GNAI 1
0xd8989f0f254d42b... 0x7b5b903ec7fc322... 73 640 488,86 GNAI 6
0x7b5b903ec7fc322... 0xd8989f0f254d42b... 73 640 488,86 GNAI 8
0xddf062714911a2e... 0x7b5b903ec7fc322... 70 478 230,78 GNAI 1
0x7b5b903ec7fc322... 0xddf062714911a2e... 70 478 230,78 GNAI 1
0x7b5b903ec7fc322... 0x8a9535a828ff5f6... 58 050 071,06 GNAI 6
0x7b5b903ec7fc322... 0x1adf65a5ee86a3b... 57 692 468,36 GNAI 5
0x8a9535a828ff5f6... 0x7b5b903ec7fc322... 54 313 852,80 GNAI 4
0x1adf65a5ee86a3b... 0x7b5b903ec7fc322... 53 517 281,29 GNAI 4
The first 10 rows displayed, Show More...
Smart Contract Events
Currencies sent/received
Currency Receive Tx's Send Tx's
GNAI 1.00G 7 1.00G 4
Ether 1.57 4 1.57 4
Referenced in transactions
Referenced in as Tx Count
Function swapExactETHForTo... path 181
Function swapExactTokensFo... path 57
Function multicall _from_ 16
Event Approval owner 9
Function getPair 8
Event Transfer to 7
Function execute slippage.buyToken 5
Event OrderRecord toToken 5
Function transferFrom from 4
Function swapExactETHForTo... path 4
The first 10 rows displayed, Show More...

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