All time
Address 0xafdc922d0059147486cc1f0f32e3a2354b0d35cc is the Pendle Market (PENDLE-LPT) ERC20
in Ethereum Mainnet network. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this token was traded, participated or was referenced. The detailed view can be opened by clicking the link on the TX count.
_storage [13615927429125207339619766,7052372539449972825325676,167990922777903763,2,83,83]
decimals 18
expiry 1743033600
factory 0x6fcf753f2c67b83...
getNonOverrideLnFeeRateRoot 1998002662000000
getRewardTokens ["808507121b80c02388fad14726482e061b8da827"]
isExpired false
lastRewardBlock 22130234
name Pendle Market
readTokens ["52453825c287ddef62d647ce51c0979d27c461f7","5bae9a5d67d1ca5b09b14c91935f635cfbf3b685","5b9089418248033fadc4dad3f8ae9a6b558a7da2"]
totalActiveSupply 5182762673171913808702358
totalSupply 10114442810892100342919529
Balance 0.0 ETH
Created by 0x1fccc097db89a86... in transaction 0xc0cb71b62a6384a... at 2024-10-16 13:09:47 +0000
Activities by time
Pendle Market Top Transfer Flows
Sender address Receiver address Amount Tx Count
PENDLE-LPT 0x000000000000000... 74 708 915,29 PENDLE-LPT 702
0x64627901dadb46e... 0x4f1cdf43f5e407a... 11 861 698,81 PENDLE-LPT 77
0x000000000000000... 0x790c7528459fe79... 4 969 229,20 PENDLE-LPT 1
0x790c7528459fe79... PENDLE-LPT 4 969 229,20 PENDLE-LPT 1
0x4f1cdf43f5e407a... 0x6a0c777309ed8f5... 4 070 025,33 PENDLE-LPT 3
0x6a0c777309ed8f5... 0x64627901dadb46e... 4 070 025,33 PENDLE-LPT 3
0x000000000000000... 0xc660ed6cbb9adb3... 4 066 486,28 PENDLE-LPT 7
0x000000000000000... 0x614d98a57a5d879... 3 577 194,31 PENDLE-LPT 5
0x614d98a57a5d879... PENDLE-LPT 3 577 194,31 PENDLE-LPT 3
0x000000000000000... 0x418aa6bf98a2b2b... 3 537 457,30 PENDLE-LPT 2
The first 10 rows displayed, Show More...
Currencies sent/received
Currency Receive Tx's Send Tx's
SY-USD0++ 396.55M 3577 389.49M 12321
PT-USD0++-27MAR2025 410.77M 3801 397.15M 3034
PENDLE 205,088.61 2910 196,138.57 1585
PENDLE-LPT 74.71M 752 74.71M 702
Grok Ai 3.50T 2 --
Grok3 Coin 857.99G 1 --
KUKAI 130.89M 1 --
Referenced in transactions
Referenced in as Tx Count
Event Transfer from 17642
Function getMarketConfig market 14230
Function balanceOf who 12820
Event Transfer to 11044
Function swapExactTokenForYt market 5064
Function transfer to 5010
Event SwapYtAndToken market 3760
Function claimRewards _addr 3620
Event MarketClaimReward market 2918
Event Mint receiverPT 2830
The first 10 rows displayed, Show More...
Relations with other addresses

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