All time
Address 0xdf0770df86a8034b3efef0a1bb3c889b8332ff56 is the USD Coin-LP (S*USDC) ERC20
in Ethereum Mainnet network. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this token was traded, participated or was referenced. The detailed view can be opened by clicking the link on the TX count.
DOMAIN_SEPARATOR �I����j0���R>���?��r`�m*ؽnt
PERMIT_TYPEHASH nq����M`7�_���&J�d�]a&�
batched true
convertRate 1
decimals 6
defaultLPMode false
defaultSwapMode false
deltaCredit 104843268818
eqFeePool 14058751312
feeLibrary 0x8c3085d9a554884...
getChainPathsLength 26
localDecimals 6
lpDeltaBP 500
mintFeeBP 0
mintFeeBalance 0
name USD Coin-LP
poolId 1
protocolFeeBalance 12786902426
router 0x8731d54e9d02c28...
sharedDecimals 6
stopSwap false
swapDeltaBP 500
symbol S*USDC
token FiatTokenProxy, Stablecoin,, USD Coin (USDC), USD Coin, Token Contract
totalLiquidity 6892751571480
totalSupply 6887315852682
totalWeight 11350
Balance 0.0 ETH
Created by 0x1d7c6783328c145... in transaction 0x4efe677c25cf886... at 2022-03-17 10:08:52 +0000
Activities by time
USD Coin-LP Top Transfer Flows
Sender address Receiver address Amount Tx Count
0x000000000000000... 0xd275e5cb559d6dc... 225 631 788,52 S*USDC 39
0xd275e5cb559d6dc... 0x000000000000000... 225 631 788,52 S*USDC 38
0xd275e5cb559d6dc... STG 225 631 788,52 S*USDC 115
STG 0xd275e5cb559d6dc... 225 631 788,52 S*USDC 37
0x9790e2f55c718a3... 0x000000000000000... 165 123 044,46 S*USDC 3
0x9790e2f55c718a3... STG 165 123 044,46 S*USDC 12
0x000000000000000... 0x9790e2f55c718a3... 165 123 044,46 S*USDC 5
STG 0x9790e2f55c718a3... 165 123 044,46 S*USDC 2
0x66b870ddf78c975... 0x000000000000000... 99 989 659,30 S*USDC 15
0x000000000000000... 0x66b870ddf78c975... 99 989 659,30 S*USDC 17
The first 10 rows displayed, Show More...
Currencies sent/received
Currency Receive Tx's Send Tx's
USDC 4.44G 104803 4.43G 105239
sUSD [] -- 4.11M 5744
UЅDС 488,738.47 19 --
UЅDС 698,031.78 19 --
UЅDС 174,256.34 11 --
UЅDС 320,363.52 8 --
UЅDС 303,808.38 7 --
UЅDС 72,497.35 6 --
UЅDС 97,845.72 5 --
UЅDС 36,766.97 5 --
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Referenced in transactions
Referenced in as Tx Count
Function transferFrom to 209718
Function balanceOf who 193115
Event Transfer from 110983
Event Transfer to 104944
Function transfer token 930
Event LogTransfer token 930
Event LogWithdraw token 554
Function withdraw token_ 554
Function toAmount token 515
Event LogDeposit token 384
The first 10 rows displayed, Show More...
Relations with other addresses

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