Balance | 0.3926m ETH |
Currency | Receive | Tx's | Send | Tx's | ||
Ether | 32.54 | 97 | 31.61 | 85 | ||
DOGEGF | 153.35T | 61 | 153.35T | 89 | ||
USDC | 26,803.60 | 32 | 26,803.60 | 57 | ||
UST | 208,706.22 | 39 | 208,706.22 | 27 | ||
USDT | 7,958.00 | 10 | 7,958.00 | 28 | ||
KUMA | 324.41G | 8 | 324.41G | 18 | ||
REEF | 571,744.31 | 5 | 571,744.31 | 12 | ||
ICH | 20,433.25 | 3 | 19,050.10 | 8 | ||
SAITAMA | 32.69T | 6 | - | - | ||
AKITA | - | - | 3.49G | 6 |
Referenced in | as | Tx Count | |
Function | transferFrom | from | 298 |
Event | Transfer | from | 261 |
Function | transfer | to | 219 |
Event | Transfer | to | 180 |
Event | Approval | owner | 169 |
Event | Transfer | _from | 10 |
Function | fillOtcOrderForEth | order.txOrigin | 8 |
Function | _fillRfqOrder | order.txOrigin | 4 |
Event | Transfer | _to | 4 |
Event | Approval | _owner | 3 |
Address | Calls | References | Transfers |
0xe66b31678d6c16e... | 178 | 386 | 356 |
0xe8a60c74c2aff22... | - | 617 | 36 |
0x382ffce2287252f... | - | - | 119 |
FiatTokenProxy, Stablecoin,, USD Coin (USDC), USD Coin, Token Contract | 4 | 86 | - |
0xa9d1e08c7793af6... | - | 11 | 65 |
0xeb2629a2734e272... | - | 16 | 9 |
0x662c2f0ae246837... | - | 8 | 13 |
0x7830c87c02e56af... | - | 11 | - |
Zerox Exchange | - | 10 | - |
UST Wrapped UST Token (UST), Stablecoin | 8 | - | - |
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