All time
Address 0xf15fd4dc6a1d3c0aa8bbab46db6400f53a49f737 is the ShibaSwap LP Token (SSLP) ERC20
in Ethereum Mainnet network. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this token was traded, participated or was referenced. The detailed view can be opened by clicking the link on the TX count.
DOMAIN_SEPARATOR !���6H���T�?���>*s�@n�t���
PERMIT_TYPEHASH nq����M`7�_���&J�d�]a&�
alpha 1
beta 3
decimals 18
factory 0x115934131916c8b...
getReserves [953126190348216154674,6854413164887953648,1742744555]
kLast 6472540240363402952595368121218390077161
name ShibaSwap LP Token
price0CumulativeLast 3256381771996089335443615496436959059024
price1CumulativeLast 121274865028504264665764389973014045447586244
symbol SSLP
token0 LINK LinkToken, ChainLink Token, Token Contract, ChainLink Token (LINK), Oracle
token1 WETH WrappedEther, WETH9,, 0x Ecosystem, Stablecoin, Wrapped Ether, Wrapped Ether (WETH), Token Contract
totalFee 3
totalSupply 75658413234046281218
Balance 0.0 ETH
Created by 0xc7d0445ac294776... in transaction 0x515dd8dc4c53d68... at 2021-07-06 04:22:27 +0000
Activities by time
ShibaSwap LP Token Top Transfer Flows

Nobody transfered this token yet

Smart Contract Function Calls
Smart Contract Events
Currencies sent/received
Referenced in transactions
Referenced in as Tx Count
Function balanceOf who 25555
Function transfer to 8237
Event Transfer to 6287
Event Transfer src 5906
Event Transfer from 5831
Event Transfer dst 5586
Function transferFrom to 3589
Function swap to 1463
Event Swap to 1461
Function transferFrom _to 434
The first 10 rows displayed, Show More...
Relations with other addresses

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