All time
Address 0xf2f400c138f9fb900576263af0bc7fcde2b1b8a8 is
a Generic smart contract
in Ethereum Mainnet network. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this smart contract was involved, participated or was referenced. The detailed view can be opened by clicking the link on the TX count.
Balance 0.0000 ETH

Created by 0x11799622f4d98a2... in transaction 0xdf7651cf49edd8e... at 2022-06-29 09:30:18 +0000
Activities by time
Smart Contract Events

No events recorded for this smart contract

Currencies sent/received
Currency Receive Tx's Send Tx's
WETH 3.13M 293651 3.13M 291788
Ether 2.83M 183750 2.83M 205917
USDC 10.05G 112109 10.05G 122225
USDT 6.15G 59822 6.15G 68064
DAI 4.11G 26311 4.11G 27993
WBTC 52,472.34 16553 52,472.34 16749
STG 317.51M 7954 317.51M 8056
stETH 918,276.48 7580 918,276.48 7954
BNT 44.69M 7539 44.69M 7759
SHIB -- 3.14T 4840
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Calls smart contracts
Referenced in transactions
Referenced in as Tx Count
Function balanceOf who 840404
Function transfer to 465479
Event Transfer from 423562
Event Transfer to 359321
Function swap caller 338046
Function transferFrom to 300323
Function swap desc.srcReceiver 274245
Event Transfer dst 238526
Function transferFrom from 232675
Event Transfer src 229817
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Relations with other addresses