currentSupply | [226816598401492714599262979784,372788427742073671830] |
decimals | 18 |
name | FEG Wrapped ETH |
symbol | fETH |
totalFees | 686272790332223765434 |
totalSupply | 372788427742073671830 |
Balance | 406.63219037820454 ETH |
Sender address | Receiver address | Amount | Tx Count | |
fETH | 0x3985aa71315a7aa... | 7 968,00 fETH | 1 | |
0x3985aa71315a7aa... | FEGex | 7 870,98 fETH | 1 | |
FEGex | 0x3985aa71315a7aa... | 7 767,31 fETH | 1 | |
0x3985aa71315a7aa... | 0xf02b075f514c34d... | 7 760,01 fETH | 1 | |
0xf02b075f514c34d... | fETH | 7 752,64 fETH | 1 | |
fETH | 0xf2bda964ec2d2fc... | 3 837,30 fETH | 8067 | |
0xf2bda964ec2d2fc... | fETH | 3 757,28 fETH | 4322 | |
FEGex | fETH | 3 117,81 fETH | 4027 | |
fETH | FEGex | 3 030,48 fETH | 5314 | |
FEGfETH | fETH | 1 910,68 fETH | 1451 |
Currency | Receive | Tx's | Send | Tx's | ||
fETH | 26,804.40 | 15874 | 27,210.89 | 32250 | ||
Ether | 27,210.89 | 32250 | 26,804.26 | 15847 | ||
FEG | 539.76G | 2 | - | - | ||
Visit to claim rewards | 1.70 | 1 | - | - | ||
Visit to claim rewards | 1.40 | 1 | - | - | ||
$ - Visit to claim bonus rewards | 98,127.00 | 1 | - | - | ||
Visit to claim rewards | 1.40 | 1 | - | - | ||
$ @ $1290 | 32.00 | 1 | - | - |
Address did not call any smart contracts
Referenced in | as | Tx Count | |
Event | LOG_SWAP | tokenIn | 22621 |
Event | LOG_SWAP | tokenOut | 8357 |
Event | LOG_ADD_RESERVES | token | 5554 |
Event | LOG_SWAP | tokenIn | 5554 |
Event | Approval | spender | 4029 |
Function | approve | spender | 4029 |
Event | LOG_SWAP | tokenOut | 2175 |
Function | depositInternal | asset | 653 |
Function | swapToSwap | asset | 309 |
Function | withdrawInternal | _to | 62 |
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