All time
Address 0xf786c34106762ab4eeb45a51b42a62470e9d5332 is the FEG Wrapped ETH (fETH) ERC20
in Ethereum Mainnet network. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this token was traded, participated or was referenced. The detailed view can be opened by clicking the link on the TX count.
currentSupply [226816598401492714599262979784,372788427742073671830]
decimals 18
name FEG Wrapped ETH
symbol fETH
totalFees 686272790332223765434
totalSupply 372788427742073671830
Balance 406.63219037820454 ETH
Created by 0x3b30bac3c331168... in transaction 0x7ea97f9854096f5... at 2021-04-01 04:04:46 +0000
Activities by time
FEG Wrapped ETH Top Transfer Flows
Sender address Receiver address Amount Tx Count
fETH 0x3985aa71315a7aa... 7 968,00 fETH 1
0x3985aa71315a7aa... FEGex 7 870,98 fETH 1
FEGex 0x3985aa71315a7aa... 7 767,31 fETH 1
0x3985aa71315a7aa... 0xf02b075f514c34d... 7 760,01 fETH 1
0xf02b075f514c34d... fETH 7 752,64 fETH 1
fETH 0xf2bda964ec2d2fc... 3 837,30 fETH 8067
0xf2bda964ec2d2fc... fETH 3 757,28 fETH 4322
FEGex fETH 3 117,81 fETH 4027
fETH FEGex 3 030,48 fETH 5314
FEGfETH fETH 1 910,68 fETH 1451
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Smart Contract Events
Currencies sent/received
Calls smart contracts

Address did not call any smart contracts

Referenced in transactions
Referenced in as Tx Count
Event LOG_SWAP tokenIn 22621
Event LOG_SWAP tokenOut 8357
Event LOG_ADD_RESERVES token 5554
Event LOG_SWAP tokenIn 5554
Event Approval spender 4029
Function approve spender 4029
Event LOG_SWAP tokenOut 2175
Function depositInternal asset 653
Function swapToSwap asset 309
Function withdrawInternal _to 62
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Relations with other addresses
Error on query We're sorry, but something went wrong (500)

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