
ERC721 Token List

Token Type Unique senders/receivers Transfers in 7 days Volume in 7 days
Gemesis (OSP) ERC721 3847 / 4096 12715 12,715 OSP
LilPudgys (LP) ERC721 3228 / 3473 11387 11,387 LP
Ethereum Name Service (ENS) ERC721 2208 / 579 9743 9,743 ENS
Uniswap V3 Positions NFT-V1 (UNI-V3-POS) ERC721 228 / 2686 6334 6,334 UNI-V3-POS
Beanz (BEANZ) ERC721 1477 / 1734 4834 4,834 BEANZ
Elemental (ELEM) ERC721 1514 / 1519 4801 4,801 ELEM
PudgyPenguins (PPG) ERC721 1363 / 1265 4553 4,553 PPG
Honey Comb (HONEYCOMB) ERC721 247 / 398 3927 3,927 HONEYCOMB
V ERC721 1672 / 1605 3333 3,333 V
Doodles (DOODLE) ERC721 1046 / 885 2824 2,824 DOODLE
Azuki (AZUKI) ERC721 606 / 602 2560 2,560 AZUKI
Sappy Seals (SAPS) ERC721 859 / 955 2362 2,362 SAPS
InfiniGods - GOD VAULTS (infigods_god_vaults) ERC721 450 / 456 2299 2,299 infigods_god_vaults
Asterix (ASTX) ERC721 122 / 121 2291 2,291 ASTX
PudgyPresent (PP) ERC721 972 / 945 2141 2,141 PP
Cool Pets (PETS) ERC721 719 / 640 1919 1,919 PETS
Cool Cats (COOL) ERC721 995 / 851 1810 1,810 COOL
CloneX ERC721 659 / 634 1757 1,757 CloneX
Baby Burn: OpenSea Redeemable Example (B-BRN) ERC721 110 / 94 1745 1,745 B-BRN
New Oasis Planet ERC721 6 / 24 1617 1,617 New Oasis Planet
goblintown (GOBLIN) ERC721 718 / 703 1548 1,548 GOBLIN
PudgySpirits (PS) ERC721 3 / 45 1378 1,378 PS
Moonbirds (MOONBIRD) ERC721 516 / 467 1341 1,341 MOONBIRD
MutantApeYachtClub (MAYC) ERC721 538 / 507 1245 1,245 MAYC
Peplicator (PPLCTR) ERC721 173 / 177 1153 1,153 PPLCTR
X-Y-Z ERC721 137 / 826 1144 1,144 X-Y-Z
VeeFriends Series 2 (VF2) ERC721 348 / 304 1128 1,128 VF2
KHUGA ERC721 327 / 333 1054 1,054 KHUGA
FLUSSO by TheFormatix (FLUSSO) ERC721 232 / 330 1037 1,037 FLUSSO
Burnie The Flame: OpenSea Redeemable Example (BRNIE) ERC721 27 / 124 1018 1,018 BRNIE
AGIX ERC721 430 / 363 943 943 AGIX
BITFRAMES (BITS) ERC721 22 / 220 868 868 BITS
SkyCastle Companions - Genesis (SCAI) ERC721 414 / 224 867 867 SCAI
xSOLARx ERC721 1 / 1 867 867 xSOLARx
Project Animus (ANIMUS) ERC721 109 / 149 864 864 ANIMUS
Karma (KARMA) ERC721 136 / 15 851 851 KARMA
HyPC License (HyPCL) ERC721 87 / 71 828 828 HyPCL
StakedSealsV2 (sSEAL) ERC721 257 / 156 809 809 sSEAL
Neo Tokyo Sacred Writs (NTWRITS) ERC721 234 / 737 802 802 NTWRITS
Kaito Genesis (KAITO) ERC721 74 / 402 789 789 KAITO
ALIENFRENS ERC721 463 / 409 771 771 ALIENFRENS
Nakamigos (NKMGS) ERC721 368 / 364 761 761 NKMGS
BabyDoge ERC721 66 / 84 749 749 BabyDoge
Space Doodles (SDOODLE) ERC721 165 / 283 711 711 SDOODLE
Art Blocks (BLOCKS) ERC721 242 / 240 672 672 BLOCKS
OGT ERC721 68 / 593 635 635 OGT
ALTS by adidas (ALT) ERC721 246 / 236 626 626 ALT
Moonbirds: Mythics (MYTHICS) ERC721 176 / 152 621 621 MYTHICS
Fluid Vault (fVLT) ERC721 157 / 265 616 616 fVLT
DeadFellaz (DEADFELLAZ) ERC721 385 / 351 613 613 DEADFELLAZ
WonderPals (WNDR) ERC721 244 / 172 585 585 WNDR
CryptoKitties (CK) ERC721 60 / 122 564 564 CK
BoredApeYachtClub (BAYC) ERC721 223 / 201 541 541 BAYC
Pkers (PK) ERC721 4 / 244 528 528 PK
Sheboshis (SHEB) ERC721 27 / 33 505 505 SHEB
Milady (MIL) ERC721 272 / 226 500 500 MIL
Robotos (ROBO) ERC721 80 / 109 497 497 ROBO
World Of Women Galaxy (WOWG) ERC721 270 / 194 494 494 WOWG
Persona (PRSN) ERC721 235 / 262 478 478 PRSN
WorldShards (WS) ERC721 95 / 182 464 464 WS
Staked DEDPRZ (SDED) ERC721 85 / 1 463 463 SDED
HEAVY META: Savage Lands (SVGLNDS) ERC721 2 / 30 460 460 SVGLNDS
PXQuest Adventurer (PXQ) ERC721 40 / 39 459 459 PXQ
Pandora (PANDORA) ERC721 62 / 52 456 456 PANDORA
Opepen Edition (OPEPEN) ERC721 214 / 173 455 455 OPEPEN
Rosentica: Starfall Travelers (ROSE) ERC721 122 / 122 451 451 ROSE
OCH Genesis Ring (OGR) ERC721 297 / 286 446 446 OGR
MOONRAY GODSPAWN (moonray_godspawn) ERC721 228 / 127 439 439 moonray_godspawn
BoredApeKennelClub (BAKC) ERC721 245 / 243 433 433 BAKC
The Plooshies (PLOOSHY) ERC721 198 / 207 428 428 PLOOSHY
Psychedelics Anonymous Genesis (PA) ERC721 194 / 195 425 425 PA
KaijuKingz (KAIJU) ERC721 222 / 244 423 423 KAIJU
Emby (EMBY) ERC721 177 / 166 413 413 EMBY
My Pet Hooligan (MPH) ERC721 69 / 91 402 402 MPH
Crypto Dolls Nft (CDN) ERC721 1 / 1 400 400 CDN
Pixl Pets (PIXLP) ERC721 150 / 151 397 397 PIXLP
Garbage Friends (GARBAGEF) ERC721 182 / 150 397 397 GARBAGEF
NFTfi Obligation Receipt (ORNFI) ERC721 40 / 34 378 378 ORNFI
Infinex Patrons (XPATRON) ERC721 124 / 168 361 361 XPATRON
AM ERC721 55 / 247 360 360 AM
RugGenesis NFT (✺RUGNFT) ERC721 157 / 106 358 358 ✺RUGNFT
Arcade.xyz Lender Note (aLN) ERC721 28 / 29 348 348 aLN
MorseDN404 (MORSE) ERC721 140 / 158 347 347 MORSE
CoolmansUniverse (COOLMAN) ERC721 184 / 145 345 345 COOLMAN
mcgoblintownwtf (MCGOBLIN) ERC721 106 / 134 338 338 MCGOBLIN
Pixelmon (PXLMN) ERC721 143 / 110 336 336 PXLMN
WinterBears (WB) ERC721 99 / 85 336 336 WB
0N1 Force (0N1) ERC721 164 / 173 335 335 0N1
Otherdeed (OTHR) ERC721 170 / 146 334 334 OTHR
Acclimated​MoonCats (?) ERC721 145 / 154 331 331 ?
Meebits (⚇) ERC721 149 / 161 325 325 ⚇
mfer (MFER) ERC721 172 / 150 321 321 MFER
Space Riders (SPR) ERC721 181 / 152 315 315 SPR
InfiniGods (INFG) ERC721 131 / 140 315 315 INFG
We Are All Going to Die (WAGDIE) ERC721 19 / 36 313 313 WAGDIE
The Orangez (ORANGEZ) ERC721 15 / 1 312 312 ORANGEZ
AIPudgys (AIP) ERC721 34 / 51 311 311 AIP
World Of Women (WOW) ERC721 196 / 188 306 306 WOW
Pixelady Maker (PXLDY) ERC721 95 / 165 299 299 PXLDY
InfiniGods: Elder Gods (GODS) ERC721 102 / 123 297 297 GODS
Parallel Avatars (LLPPL) ERC721 123 / 157 292 292 LLPPL
KillaCubs ERC721 61 / 48 291 291 KillaCubs
Ninja Squad (NINJA) ERC721 165 / 150 284 284 NINJA
c_HyPC ERC721 64 / 68 282 282 c_HyPC
SuperRare (SUPR) ERC721 60 / 80 280 280 SUPR
Art Gobblers (GOBBLER) ERC721 59 / 115 273 273 GOBBLER
egg (EGG) ERC721 112 / 122 273 273 EGG
Lazy Lions (LION) ERC721 134 / 106 271 271 LION
KILLABEARS ERC721 142 / 116 271 271 KILLABEARS
King Robbo (WRH) ERC721 1 / 3 270 270 WRH
Alien Frens Evolution (AFE) ERC721 109 / 112 270 270 AFE
DOTs (DOTS) ERC721 32 / 33 266 266 DOTS
CyberBrokers (CYBERBROKERS) ERC721 117 / 117 260 260 CYBERBROKERS
TheSadTimesBirthCertificate (STBC) ERC721 147 / 166 260 260 STBC
$WRLD Horses (WRLDHS) ERC721 46 / 69 259 259 WRLDHS
NOA 1st Anniversary (NOA1ST) ERC721 5 / 72 257 257 NOA1ST
Shadowladys DN404 (SHADOW) ERC721 4 / 5 253 253 SHADOW
Oldeus (OLDEUS) ERC721 2 / 1 252 252 OLDEUS
Tubby Cats (TUBBY) ERC721 106 / 71 251 251 TUBBY
Goblinarinos (GOBLINS) ERC721 79 / 117 250 250 GOBLINS
Wonky Stonks (WSTK) ERC721 132 / 125 250 250 WSTK
CALIVERSE Pioneer (CALIP) ERC721 50 / 56 240 240 CALIP
HoneyJar (HONEYJAR) ERC721 33 / 168 240 240 HONEYJAR
VaynerSports Pass (VSP) ERC721 68 / 53 239 239 VSP
Rug Radio Membership Pass (✺RUG) ERC721 38 / 27 236 236 ✺RUG
ApuApustajas (APU) ERC721 76 / 90 230 230 APU
Cute & Creepy Gang: Lunar Witch (LUNAR) ERC721 1 / 52 229 229 LUNAR
Goons (GOONS) ERC721 6 / 5 229 229 GOONS
Umms ERC721 1 / 1 227 227 Umms
KIP Protocol (KIP) ERC721 103 / 93 227 227 KIP
AOI Engine (AOI) ERC721 79 / 100 225 225 AOI
Sablier V2 Lockup Linear NFT (SAB-V2-LOCKUP-LIN) ERC721 5 / 221 223 223 SAB-V2-LOCKUP-LIN
CryptoonGoonz (CG) ERC721 81 / 82 222 222 CG
Marbo Racing League (MRL) ERC721 15 / 59 212 212 MRL
Sproto Gremlins (SPROTO) ERC721 74 / 98 212 212 SPROTO
Mythic Seed ((MYTHIC)) ERC721 105 / 58 202 202 (MYTHIC)
PalioAI Aura (PAA) ERC721 124 / 63 200 200 PAA
Dwarven Delvings (DD) ERC721 1 / 1 200 200 DD
Little Lemon Friends (LEMON) ERC721 108 / 61 200 200 LEMON
RiotBulls (RB$) ERC721 1 / 21 199 199 RB$
Creature World (CREATURE) ERC721 117 / 99 192 192 CREATURE
Pillheads (PILLHEADS) ERC721 5 / 4 190 190 PILLHEADS
Richardz (RCHDZ) ERC721 2 / 3 188 188 RCHDZ
Art Blocks Explorations (EXPLORE) ERC721 86 / 68 188 188 EXPLORE
UPA ERC721 1 / 1 187 187 UPA
ForgottenRunesWarriorsGuild (WARRIORS) ERC721 61 / 62 187 187 WARRIORS
Lucky✦Neve (LN) ERC721 2 / 63 184 184 LN
Realms (for Adventurers) (LootRealm) ERC721 36 / 30 183 183 LootRealm
Trainers (TRNR) ERC721 51 / 32 183 183 TRNR
Pancake V3 Positions NFT-V1 (PCS-V3-POS) ERC721 40 / 65 181 181 PCS-V3-POS
grumpls (GRUMPL) ERC721 85 / 101 180 180 GRUMPL
PenguWTF (Pengu) ERC721 1 / 81 178 178 Pengu
Hashmasks (HM) ERC721 82 / 78 177 177 HM
LO-FI PEPE (LOFI) ERC721 56 / 81 175 175 LOFI
X0X ERC721 7 / 8 175 175 X0X
ScorchingDucks (SCD) ERC721 9 / 8 173 173 SCD
Invisible Friends (INVSBLE) ERC721 97 / 96 171 171 INVSBLE
Cryptoadz (TOADZ) ERC721 115 / 114 170 170 TOADZ
NiftyPistol (PISTOL) ERC721 45 / 67 170 170 PISTOL
Okay Dogs (OKD) ERC721 69 / 61 169 169 OKD
Weirdo Ghost Gang (GHOST) ERC721 52 / 48 168 168 GHOST
J48BAFORMS (JABBA) ERC721 49 / 51 167 167 JABBA
The Doge Pound (DOGGY) ERC721 72 / 71 165 165 DOGGY
Penguins Pixel World (PPW) ERC721 5 / 22 164 164 PPW
Imaginary Rides (IR) ERC721 48 / 64 164 164 IR
BiGiNCChar (BiG) ERC721 33 / 38 164 164 BiG
SanFranTokyoVisions (SFTV) ERC721 69 / 31 162 162 SFTV
PREMINT Collector (PREMINTCOLL) ERC721 91 / 83 157 157 PREMINTCOLL
Pirate (PIRATE) ERC721 83 / 69 157 157 PIRATE
MeowsDAO Progeny Nouns Expanded Edition (MEOWSNOUNS) ERC721 3 / 1 156 156 MEOWSNOUNS
Flurks by Stonetoss (FLURK) ERC721 38 / 39 154 154 FLURK
Sorare (SOR) ERC721 46 / 7 154 154 SOR
Chimpers Dojo (CHIMPDOJO) ERC721 82 / 1 151 151 CHIMPDOJO
ShinseiGalverse (GALS) ERC721 65 / 46 150 150 GALS
Contango Position (CTGP) ERC721 68 / 59 150 150 CTGP
Robopets (ROBOPET) ERC721 6 / 6 150 150 ROBOPET
ZodiacCapsule (ZODIACCAPSULE) ERC721 19 / 19 150 150 ZODIACCAPSULE
PUDGY PUPPETS (PUDGE) ERC721 57 / 60 150 150 PUDGE
Gutter Dogs (GDOG) ERC721 69 / 70 149 149 GDOG
KILLABITS ERC721 71 / 58 148 148 KILLABITS
TOPIA Worlds ERC721 73 / 65 148 148 TOPIA Worlds
Mittaria Genesis (MTG) ERC721 84 / 74 148 148 MTG
Cigawrettes (CIG) ERC721 56 / 54 147 147 CIG
ThorGuards (THORGUARDS) ERC721 46 / 44 147 147 THORGUARDS
Art Blocks (BLOCKS) ERC721 68 / 65 146 146 BLOCKS
Ronin by Richard Nadler (Ronin) ERC721 14 / 91 146 146 Ronin
METH-HEDZ (METH) ERC721 13 / 20 144 144 METH
Loser Club (LOSERCLUB) ERC721 36 / 17 143 143 LOSERCLUB
Producers (PRODUCERS) ERC721 24 / 28 143 143 PRODUCERS
Genify (GEN) ERC721 3 / 4 141 141 GEN
Hasbulla NFT (HASBI) ERC721 47 / 56 141 141 HASBI
The Underworld (UNDERWORLD) ERC721 31 / 51 138 138 UNDERWORLD
Genuine Undead V2 (GUV2) ERC721 33 / 44 138 138 GUV2
Otaku Club (Otaku) ERC721 1 / 1 136 136 Otaku
Gh0stlyGh0sts (gg) ERC721 70 / 37 136 136 gg
Chubbiverse Frens (CHF) ERC721 52 / 47 136 136 CHF