Address 0x6059ed08e17a66d6e53c64a4e60cde06c4fe9c2b is
a DEX/Uniswap v2 smart contract
in Ethereum Mainnet network. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this smart contract was involved, participated or was referenced. The detailed view can be opened by clicking the link on the TX count.
DOMAIN_SEPARATOR ����i��������@�a���i�m��`m
PERMIT_TYPEHASH nq����M`7�_���&J�d�]a&�
decimals 18
factory Factory Contract, Uniswap
getReserves [970451876998826729282,702552285113939,1742358131]
kLast 0
name Uniswap V2
price0CumulativeLast 1295659687953775652398660442186153483
price1CumulativeLast 400783444135089957708083378082992894583607885828
symbol UNI-V2
token0 API3
token1 SOTU
totalSupply 797370679169983024
Balance 0.0 ETH

Created by 0x7cb670527974f72... in transaction 0x75075c17b86f475... at 2021-04-12 19:36:38 +0000
Activities by time
Smart Contract Function Calls
Smart Contract Events
Event name Event Count
Sync 443
Swap 442
Transfer 2
Mint 1
Currencies sent/received
Currency Receive Tx's Send Tx's
API3 8,255.68 231 7,285.23 212
SOTU 0.02 213 0.01 230
Referenced in transactions
Referenced in as Tx Count
Function balanceOf who 887
Event Transfer to 444
Function transfer to 442
Event Transfer from 442
Event Swap to 374
Function swap to 374
Function swap recipient 62
Event Swap recipient 62
Function transferFrom to 2
Function airdrop addresses 2
The first 10 rows displayed, Show More...