Frog Holders

There are 1938 unique holders of Frog now on total amount 420 689 999 999,98 FROG

Holder address Amount Transactions
0xfe8fd9909e94f14... 96 376 642 512,09 FROG
0x3777195a3281730... 10 000 000 000,00 FROG
0xbdfd35e0c37c2a4... 9 571 083 455,62 FROG
0x1a7b93305168b13... 7 965 421 050,32 FROG
0x122c2f601a2f47b... 7 602 777 664,25 FROG
0x967d3b874afe967... 7 205 413 680,12 FROG
0xb95b95f5e814146... 6 618 371 512,91 FROG
0x2f6ef4276bd2445... 6 199 722 737,84 FROG
0xb0f830a43af84ca... 5 943 839 232,84 FROG
0x5b448fa2a051433... 5 868 800 455,17 FROG
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Frog Circulating Supply and Holders Count History
Frog Price and Market Cap
Gini Coefficient and Theil Index for Frog
Gini Coefficient measures the inequality among address balances. Calculated as a square measure above the Lorenz curve. The closer the curve to the straight line, the less the Gini coefficient. If all balances were equal, it would be exactly 0. For the most uneven distribution, it is 1.
Nakamoto Index for Frog
Nakamoto index is the number of top addresses, holding togerther more than 51% of all coin supply. Measures the prevalence of top balances comparing to whole population. 90%, 99%, 99.9% indexes are how many addresses together hold 90%, 99%, 99.9% of total supply respectively
Tokens, owned by the same people, as Frog

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