World Liberty Financial Holders

There are 85872 unique holders of World Liberty Financial now on total amount 100 000 000 000,00 WLFI

Holder address Amount Transactions
0x5be9a4959308a0d... 41 500 000 769,70 WLFI
0x1246e490308db61... 15 750 000 000,00 WLFI
0xee7f7f53f0d0c8c... 3 750 000 000,00 WLFI
0xf32e3596f555546... 3 187 500 000,00 WLFI
0x5ab26169051d0d9... 3 000 042 574,90 WLFI
0xba57a914b20840c... 2 250 000 000,00 WLFI
0x7e99042e82204df... 2 250 000 000,00 WLFI
0xf7c9c6bfc102e09... 2 250 000 000,00 WLFI
0x7e06bc9750c3bf8... 1 000 650 778,04 WLFI
0xd250b4888433cc0... 1 000 000 000,00 WLFI
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  All time
World Liberty Financial Circulating Supply and Holders Count History
World Liberty Financial Price and Market Cap
Gini Coefficient and Theil Index for World Liberty Financial
Gini Coefficient measures the inequality among address balances. Calculated as a square measure above the Lorenz curve. The closer the curve to the straight line, the less the Gini coefficient. If all balances were equal, it would be exactly 0. For the most uneven distribution, it is 1.
Nakamoto Index for World Liberty Financial
Nakamoto index is the number of top addresses, holding togerther more than 51% of all coin supply. Measures the prevalence of top balances comparing to whole population. 90%, 99%, 99.9% indexes are how many addresses together hold 90%, 99%, 99.9% of total supply respectively
Tokens, owned by the same people, as World Liberty Financial

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