From | 0xf1c73010484b3854f5e9350f9436e95de21c4cd0 | To | 0x303a465b659cbb0ab36ee643ea362c509eeb5213 |
Mined at | 2025-02-05 13:55:59 +0000 ( block #21780727) Success | Tx Hash | 0xd12a76da6bc803dfe95a01098214b080e7c85f8f23ad7259784413f388c16179 |
Gas price | 1.2369 Gwei, gas limit 230728 | Tx Fee | 0.00022214354403049202ETH for 179599 gas used |
Event | Smart Contract |
BridgehubDepositBaseTokenInitiated ( chainId: 2741 , from: f1c73010484b3854f... , l1Token: 00000000000000000... , amount: 6688924580225722 ) | Smart Contract 0xd7f9f54194c633f... |
NewPriorityRequest ( txId: 11370 , txHash: ["034abcda380429831312ddb042e00083dd51b5a48435618f17a31e576f11b5c4"] , expirationTimestamp: 1738763759 , transaction: ( txType: 255 , from: 1380308810993390495079321004154706654145279708368 , to: 1380308810993390495079321004154706654145279708368 , gasLimit: 403555 , gasPerPubdataByteLimit: 800 , maxFeePerGas: 265461078 , maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0 , paymaster: 0 , nonce: 11370 , value: 6579108436152987 , reserved: [ 6688924580225722 , 1380308810993390495079321004154706654145279708368 , 0 , 0 , ] , data: [""] , signature: [""] , factoryDeps: [ ] , paymasterInput: [""] , reservedDynamic: [""] , ) , factoryDeps: [""] ) | Smart Contract 0x2edc71e9991a962... |
Logged By | From | Amount | To | |
Sender | 0xf1c73010484b3854f5e9350f9436e95de21c4cd0 | 0.0067 Ether | 0x303a465b659cbb0ab36ee643ea362c509eeb5213 | |
Internal transaction | 0x303a465b659cbb0ab36ee643ea362c509eeb5213 | 0.0067 Ether | 0xd7f9f54194c633f36ccd5f3da84ad4a1c38cb2cb |