From | 0xe853bb8d09e52e952ff8e2872c9b27cc9b46f250 | To | UNI-V3-POS |
Mined at | 2025-02-27 12:55:35 +0000 ( block #21937810) Success | Tx Hash | 0xf0a5a9e264d07c75cc55106a3517a5c789455f5acfefd43d12229aa60bf6bfcf |
Gas price | 0.7152 Gwei, gas limit 778208 | Tx Fee | 0.00035116691799025ETH for 490975 gas used |
Event | Smart Contract |
Transfer ( from: e853bb8d09e52e952... , to: e0554a476a092703a... , value: 22579445181 ) | Token FiatTokenProxy, Stablecoin,, USD Coin (USDC), USD Coin, Token Contract |
Deposit ( _from: c36442b4a4522e871... , value: 50962620352084408735 ) | Token WETH WrappedEther, WETH9,, 0x Ecosystem, Stablecoin, Wrapped Ether, Wrapped Ether (WETH), Token Contract |
Transfer ( from: c36442b4a4522e871... , to: e0554a476a092703a... , value: 50962620352084408735 ) | Token WETH WrappedEther, WETH9,, 0x Ecosystem, Stablecoin, Wrapped Ether, Wrapped Ether (WETH), Token Contract |
Mint ( sender: c36442b4a4522e871... , owner: c36442b4a4522e871... , tickLower: 196910 , tickUpper: 199044 , amount: 28600407549692594 , amount0: 22579445181 , amount1: 50962620352084408735 ) | Uniswap v3 (Decentralized Exchange) 0xe0554a476a09270... |
Transfer ( from: 00000000000000000... , to: e853bb8d09e52e952... , value: 937539 ) | Token UNI-V3-POS |
IncreaseLiquidity ( tokenId: 937539 , liquidity: 28600407549692594 , amount0: 22579445181 , amount1: 50962620352084408735 ) | Token UNI-V3-POS |
Logged By | From | Amount | To | |
Sender | 0xe853bb8d09e52e952ff8e2872c9b27cc9b46f250 | 50.9626 Ether | UNI-V3-POS | |
Sender | 0xe853bb8d09e52e952ff8e2872c9b27cc9b46f250 | 22,579.4452 USDC | 0xe0554a476a092703abdb3ef35c80e0d76d32939f | |
Event | WETH WrappedEther, WETH9,, 0x Ecosystem, Stablecoin, Wrapped Ether, Wrapped Ether (WETH), Token Contract | 50.9626 WETH | UNI-V3-POS | |
Event | UNI-V3-POS | 50.9626 WETH | 0xe0554a476a092703abdb3ef35c80e0d76d32939f | |
Event | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1.0000 UNI-V3-POS | 0xe853bb8d09e52e952ff8e2872c9b27cc9b46f250 | |
Internal transaction | UNI-V3-POS | 0.0000m Ether | 0xe853bb8d09e52e952ff8e2872c9b27cc9b46f250 | |
Internal transaction | UNI-V3-POS | 50.9626 Ether | WETH WrappedEther, WETH9,, 0x Ecosystem, Stablecoin, Wrapped Ether, Wrapped Ether (WETH), Token Contract |