

API允許在您的業務中使用有關區塊鏈交易,地址和貨幣的實時分析數據。. 以下是登錄後可以訪問的API列表。 如果您有特殊需求,請告訴我們,我們隨時為您提供幫助。

Token API

API for Analysis of Tokens and holders

  • Token Holder List

    Top token holders ordered by the token amount. Note, that token amount is calculated based on the token transfer transactions.
  • Search Token by Name or Symbol

    Lists tokens by matching text in symbol or name. List is sorted descending by transaction count, so the most popular results appear the first.
  • Token Information

    General token information, as symbol, name, type. May return results for multiple tokens in the list
  • Token Statistics

    Number of token holders, supply and circulating amount
  • Token Transfers List

    Lists token transfer transactions ( most recent first )
  • List tokens

    Lists tokens ordered by number of transfers, in descending order.
  • Token Holder Detailed Statistics

    Detailed information on token holders, filtered by the count of token send/receive transactions.
  • Correlation Between Tokens

    Calculate the count of addresses, holding the set of different tokens. Method accepts the list of token addresses, and calculates the number of holders in all possible combinations of the tokens. Note, that counts are calculated as the number of addresses, ever holding the token.
  • Search Similar Tokens by Common Holders

    List the tokens, owned by the same holders. Note, that counts are calculated as the number of addresses, ever holding the token.
  • Token Transfers With Origin

    Lists token transfer transactions ( most recent first ) with the origin detection. Origin is the address, on which the tokens was minted. Byuer is the address, which sent Ether for token
  • Token Flow Graph

    Lists token amounts transfered between top groups of addresses.
  • Token Flow Group Addresses

    Lists addreses by hash from token_flow result set
  • Historical holder metrics

    Metrics ( holder count, supply, Gini, Theil & Nakamoto indexes ) by day. Also includes Gini and Theil indexes just for top 10K address balances. index9, index99, index999 are how many addresses together hold 90%, 99%, 99.9% of total supply respectively
  • Addresses holding set of specific tokens

    Calculate the list of addresses, holding the set of different tokens. Method accepts the list of token addresses, and calculates the number of holders in all possible combinations of the tokens. Depending on mode parameter, addresses are calculated as the number of addresses, holding the token, or receiving the token. Date range of analysis can be limited by till_date parameter.

Address API

API for Analysis of addresses, their activities and statistics

  • Batch Address Check

    Basic check that address is suitable for token transfer distribution. Input is the list of addresses, the output is the diagnostics
  • Address Balance by Currencies

    Lists the balance of all currency/tokens for this address
  • Words used in annotations

    Lists the words used in address annotations
  • List all addresses

    Lists the addresses, ordered by eth balance in batches. Note, that balance = transfer to-from amount, does not include the gas spending
  • Batch Address Statistics

    Counts and aggregates for the address, transfer count, amount, number of distinct tokens, times of the first and the last transactions. Usefull for batch address analysis, may accept an array of addresses.
  • Correlated Tokens for Address

    Lists the tokens that owns holders, that also owns the same set of tokens, that this address owns
  • Addresses annotated with the word(s)

    Lists the words used in address annotations
  • Daily Value of Address Owned Assets

    Returns deposits/withdrawals,balances and value in USD/ETH by asset for given address. Note, that hourly price is used to calculate deposit/withdraw value, and daily price for balance value. Return data also contains aggregate total rows with total=1 flag in the first column.


API for Analysis of decentralised exchanges (DEX)

  • DEX Protocols

    Lists DEX protocol names and count of implementations in smart contracts
  • DEX Smart Contracts

    Lists tokens by matching text in symbol or name. List is sorted descending by transaction count, so the most popular results appear the first.
  • DEX Trades

    Lists trades, optionally filtered by protocol, DEX smart contract(s) and/or token(s).
  • DEX Pending Transactions

    Lists transactions sent to DEXes in pending state (not mined yet).
  • Active Traders on DEX

    Lists active traders ordered by number of trades, as maker or taker. Note, that the data does not include the last day trades
  • DEX Trades By Hash

    Lists trades, in a transaction.
  • DEX Arbitrage Trades

    Lists trades where a trader has positive balance on at least one token and no negative balances on other tokens.
  • Deposits and Withdrawal On DEXes

    Lists withdraw and deposit operations on DEXes.
  • Statistics of Token DEX Trades

    Statistics of the token trades on DEXes, grouped by DEX smart contract / pair token
  • Statistics of token pairs trades

    List aggregated trades, grouped by token pair ( buy / sell ) and smart contract, optionally filtered by protocol and smart contract

Tokensale API

API for Analysis of token sales (ICO)

  • Tokens on Sale

    Lists recent token sale aggregated statistics
  • Token Sale Transaction List

    Lists recent token sale transactions
  • Token Sale Daily Statistics

    Aggregated statistics for a token sale by days
  • Token Sale Addresses Statistics

    Token sale smart contracts and wallets addresses
  • Token Sale Buyers Statistics

    Token sale buyers addresses
  • TokenSale Wallets

    Shows the wallets, used to collect currency from buyers
  • Money Distribution From the Tokensale

    Calculates money distribution from the tokensale. Outputs the final balances on addresses taken as the snapshot at snapshot_time parameter time ( or the latest state if not specified). Setting lower depth_limit and ignore_addresses_with_transaction_limit, higher transaction_precision will make this method to execute faster, but generate less precise results
  • Distribution Transactions From Tokensale

    Calculates the transactions of money distribution from the tokensale. Outputs the list of all transactions by depth. Setting lower depth_limit and ignore_addresses_with_transaction_limit, higher transaction_precision will make this method to execute faster, but generate less precise results. Note that the amount in transactions shows the fraction of initial money, distributed, and not the actual transaction amount, which can be larger.
  • Money Sources For the Tokensale

    Calculates the money sources for the tokensale by analyzing the graph of transaction for the given depth. Outputs the source addresses with amounts.
  • Source Transactions For the Tokensale

    Analyses the full graph of money transactions on tokensale. Outputs the transactions of the flow how money come into given address. Note that the amount in transactions shows the source money amount, and not the actual transaction amount.
  • Initial Token Distribution

    Builds the graph of the initial token distribution and calculates the list of token holders with the amounts.

Money Flow API

API for Money Flow Analysis between wallets. Supports native coin and any tokens

  • Address Transfers

    List of all transfers to/from the given address, optionally filtered by currency list
  • Received transfers to Address

    List of transfers to the given address, optionally filtered by currency list
  • Sent transfers from Address

    List of transfers from the given address, optionally filtered by currency list
  • Transactions Volume by Address

    Aggregates amount of receive and sent amounts for each from the list of addresses. Optionally can be limited by time limits
  • Top Senders To Address in Currency

    Aggregates amount of receive transactions for specific currency and select top senders ( by amount ). Optionally can be limited by transaction time
  • Top Receivers From Address in Currency

    Aggregates amount of sent transactions for specific currency and select top receivers ( by amount ). Optionally can be limited by time limits
  • Top Senders To Address by Transfer Count

    Aggregates amount of receive transactions and select top senders ( by Transfer Count ). Optionally can be limited by transaction time
  • Top Receivers From Address by Transfer Count

    Aggregates amount of sent transactions and select top receivers ( by Transfer Count ). Optionally can be limited by time limits
  • Daily transfers to/from address(es)

    Show the number of transfers (coin and token) an address has had over time (by day) Optionally filters by token address(es)

Livepeer API

API for Livepeer contract monitoring

  • List of bond calls

    Lists external functions call to bond function with specified _to argument
  • List of reward transactions

    Lists of reward events
  • List of unbond events

    Lists unbond events with specified delegate/delegator argument
  • List of rounds

    Lists new rounds events
  • List of bond events

    Lists Bond/Rebond/Unbond events with optional filter by delegate/delegator argument
  • Delegates statistics

    Lists delegates with statistics
  • Delegators statistics

    Lists delegators with statistics
  • Delegators current status

    Lists getDelegators smart contract metod results
  • List of rebond events

    Lists rebond events with specified delegate/delegator argument

Transaction API

API for reading transaction information

  • List transfers by TX hash

    List of all transfers in the given transaction
  • Transaction information by TX hash

    Transaction information by hash
  • Call trace by TX hash

    All calls of smart contracts in transaction(s), including internal calls. Call tree is indexed by the Call Index, denoting the depth in the stack trace tree.
  • Call traces by Smart Contract Transactions

    All calls of smart contracts in transactions, initiated from the specified smart contract, including internal calls. Call tree is indexed by the Call Index, denoting the depth in the stack trace tree.
  • Events by TX hash

    All events, logged in transaction(s), including internal calls
  • Events by Smart Contract Transactions

    All events in transactions, initiated from the specified smart contract


Smart Contracts with high volume and users ( DApps)

  • Statistics

    Lists smart contracts with users and volume statistics, ordered by unique users callers
  • Users

    Lists smart contract addresses, which called or transfered money to smart contract. The list can optionally be filtered by the address of common source.
  • Multi Sources

    Lists addresses, which created more than one address, which send money or called smart contract.


API for Analysis of MakerDAO smart contracts

  • Poke TXs

    Query poke transaction and values

Smart Contract API

API for smart contracts analytics and parsing

  • Find methods/events by signature

    List all methods/events with the specified signature hash(es)
  • Find methods/events by name

    List all methods/events with the specified name(s)
  • Contract Methods

    List of smart contract methods and call statistics
  • Contract Events

    List of smart contract events and emit statistics
  • Contract Statistics

    Daily/Monthly/Yearly/All statistical metrics for a list of smart contracts
  • Transactions with Event

    Transactions where smart contract event emitted
  • Transactions with Method

    Transactions where smart contract event emitted
  • Contracts with Method

    List of smart contracts where the method used
  • Contracts with Event

    List of smart contracts where the event used
  • Transactions with method references address

    Transactions where smart contracts reference given address in method
  • Transactions with event references address

    Transactions where smart contracts reference given address in event

Maltego API

API for Maltego integration

  • Address Balance by Currencies

    Lists the balance of all currency/tokens for this address
  • Address Transfers

    List of all transfers to/from the given address, optionally filtered by currency list
  • Transaction information by TX hash

    Transaction information by hash
  • List transfers by TX hash

    List of all transfers in the given transaction
  • Token Information

    General token information, as symbol, name, type. May return results for multiple tokens in the list
  • Token Statistics

    Number of token holders, supply and circulating amount
  • Token Holder List

    Top token holders ordered by the token amount. Note, that token amount is calculated based on the token transfer transactions.
  • Token Transfers List

    Lists token transfer transactions ( most recent first )
  • Sent transfers from Address

    List of transfers from the given address, optionally filtered by currency list
  • Received transfers to Address

    List of transfers to the given address, optionally filtered by currency list
  • Batch Address Statistics

    Counts and aggregates for the address, transfer count, amount, number of distinct tokens, times of the first and the last transactions. Usefull for batch address analysis, may accept an array of addresses.
  • Top Senders To Address in Currency

    Aggregates amount of receive transactions for specific currency and select top senders ( by amount ). Optionally can be limited by transaction time
  • Top Receivers From Address in Currency

    Aggregates amount of sent transactions for specific currency and select top receivers ( by amount ). Optionally can be limited by time limits
  • Source Money For the Address (DEPRECATED, use Coinpath API instead)

    Analyses the full graph of money transactions and calculates the money sources for the given address. Outputs the source addresses with amounts. Can be optionally limited with the timeframe of the analysis with from_time, till_time parameters.
  • Money Distribution From the Address (DEPRECATED, use Coinpath API instead)

    Analyses the full graph of money transactions and calculates the money distribution from the given address. Outputs the final balances on addresses taken as the snapshot at snapshot_time paramter time ( or the latest state if not specified). Can optionally filter initial money only by transactions, received by address in (from_time,till_time) timeframe. Setting lower depth_limit and ignore_addresses_with_transaction_limit, higher transaction_precision will make this method to execute faster, but generate less precise results
  • Token Sale Addresses Statistics

    Token sale smart contracts and wallets addresses

DutchX API

API for DutchX contract monitoring

  • List of new order events

    Lists NewOrderEvent filtered by token

Coinpath API

Money Flow Analysis between wallets using Coinpath (R) technology.

  • Outbound Money Transfer Graph From the Address

    Builds the graph of money distribution starting from the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs all transaction along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.
  • Outbound addresses, received coin or tokens from an address in a number of hops

    Show the top_limit addresses (ordered by value, for every currency) that have received coin or tokens from an address within depth_limit hops
  • Inbound Money Transfer Graph To the Address

    Builds the graph of money sources terminating on the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs all transaction along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.
  • Inbound addresses, sending coin or tokens to an address in a number of hops

    Show the top_limit addresses (ordered by value, for every currency) that have sent coin or tokens to an address within depth_limit hops
  • List all paths between addresses within N hops in/out bound

    Plot all the paths within N hops between two addresses ( 1 and 2 ). Can specify multiple addresses for address 2. Returns the list of paths, grouped by token. Each path is represented as an array of structures {sender, receiver, tx_hash, amount, depth, direction}, starting from address1 and ending on address2
  • Outbound Money Address Graph

    Builds the graph of money distribution starting from the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs addresses along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.
  • Inbound Money Address Graph

    Builds the graph of money sources starting from the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs addresses along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.

Widget API

API for Widgets. Can be used from Javascript to display data on Web sites, in mobile applications, etc. Specially cache/subscribe mechanism used for real time operation and updates

  • Daily Value of Address Owned Assets in ETH/USD

    Returns aggregated value for given address. measured in ETH/USD. Note, that hourly price is used to calculate deposit/withdraw value, and daily price for balance value

Bitcoin Coinpath API

Coinpath API for Bitcoin Money Flow Analysis between wallets

  • Outbound Money Transfer Graph From the Address

    Builds the graph of money distribution starting from the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs all transaction along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.
  • Outbound addresses, received coins from an address in a number of hops

    Show the top_limit addresses (ordered by value, for every currency) that have received coins from an address within depth_limit hops
  • Inbound Money Transfer Graph To the Address

    Builds the graph of money sources terminating on the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs all transaction along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.
  • Inbound addresses, sending coins to an address in a number of hops

    Show the top_limit addresses (ordered by value, for every currency) that have sent coins to an address within depth_limit hops
  • List all paths between addresses within N hops in/out bound

    Plot all the paths within N hops between two addresses ( 1 and 2 ). Can specify multiple addresses for address 2. Returns the list of paths. Each path is represented as an array of structures {sender, receiver, tx_hash, amount, depth, direction}, starting from address1 and ending on address2
  • Outbound Money Address Graph

    Builds the graph of money distribution starting from the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs addresses along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.
  • Inbound Money Address Graph

    Builds the graph of money sources starting from the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs addresses along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.

System status API

API to query system status

  • Status of ETL system

    Current ETL and database state

Ripple/Stellar Coinpath API

Coinpath API for Ripple and Stellar Money Flow Analysis

  • Outbound Money Transfer Graph From the Address

    Builds the graph of money distribution starting from the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs all transaction along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.
  • Outbound addresses, received coins from an address in a number of hops

    Show the top_limit addresses (ordered by value, for every currency) that have received coins from an address within depth_limit hops
  • Inbound Money Transfer Graph To the Address

    Builds the graph of money sources terminating on the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs all transaction along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.
  • Inbound addresses, sending coins to an address in a number of hops

    Show the top_limit addresses (ordered by value, for every currency) that have sent coins to an address within depth_limit hops
  • List all paths between addresses within N hops in/out bound

    Plot all the paths within N hops between two addresses ( 1 and 2 ). Can specify multiple addresses for address 2. Returns the list of paths. Each path is represented as an array of structures {sender, receiver, tx_hash, amount, depth, direction}, starting from address1 and ending on address2
  • Outbound Money Address Graph

    Builds the graph of money distribution starting from the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs addresses along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.
  • Inbound Money Address Graph

    Builds the graph of money sources starting from the specific address over one or many currencies. Outputs addresses along with the volumes, associated with the money flow.

Ripple/Stellar API

Ripple/Stellar transaction / address information

  • Address Balance by Currencies

    Lists the balance of all currencies for this address
  • Address Transfers

    List of all transfers to/from the given address, optionally filtered by currency list
  • List transfers by TX hash

    List of all transfers in the given transaction
  • Address Balance by Currencies, detailed by issuers

    Lists the balance of all currencies & issuers for this address
  • Batch Address Statistics

    Counts and aggregates for the address, transfer count, amount, number of distinct currencies, times of the first and the last transactions. Usefull for batch address analysis, may accept an array of addresses.


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