0x845fc7949ffd8a779bf85d9c97374d0842c31265fc9bfa3e6610a259e94d9296 at explorer
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Currencies sent/received in transaction
Logged By From Amount To
Sender 0x759a1cefaf7c8c91a14935f4863768bda913a5b1 0.0088 Ether FEGex
Event fETH 0.0088 fETH FEGex
Event FEGex 0.0044 R0X 0x759a1cefaf7c8c91a14935f4863768bda913a5b1
Internal transaction FEGex 0.0088 Ether fETH
DEX Trades in Transaction
Trader Address Balance fETHR0X
Token price data is a courtesy of cryptorank.io