0x8ddfd85e0a13fe48c2d8e5f34e2d8b320e469965a0f4860388a39401d12b8bbf at explorer
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Currencies sent/received in transaction
Logged By From Amount To
Sender 0x7542c5a43cf77f3e2a80c5d8dedfbe22ad99a894 0.0690 R0X FEGex
Event fETH 0.5772m fETH 0xf2bda964ec2d2fcb1610c886ed4831bf58f64948
Event FEGex 0.5772m fETH fETH
Event FEGex 0.2886m fETH fXTZ
Event 0xf2bda964ec2d2fcb1610c886ed4831bf58f64948 958.5430M FEG ENS-BurnAddress, ENS, Burn Address
Event FEGex 0.1088 fETH fETH
Internal transaction FEGex 0.5772m Ether 0xf2bda964ec2d2fcb1610c886ed4831bf58f64948
Internal transaction FEGex 0.1088 Ether 0x7542c5a43cf77f3e2a80c5d8dedfbe22ad99a894
Internal transaction fETH 0.1088 Ether FEGex
Internal transaction fETH 0.5772m Ether FEGex
Internal transaction 0xf2bda964ec2d2fcb1610c886ed4831bf58f64948 0.5772m Ether fETH