name | Nam Coin |
totalSupply | 120000000000000000000000000000 |
fundsWallet | 0x9f286967a1ec9e6... |
decimals | 18 |
unitsOneEthCanBuy | 120048 |
purchaseGold | 10000000000000000000000000 |
crowdsaleDuration | 5184000 |
owner | 0x5f591a36a47d63f... |
totalEthInWei | 3017019166493990960100 |
symbol | NAM |
tokenContractSupply | 60000000000000000000000000000 |
crowdsaleRunning | false |
purchaseSilver | 5000000000000000000000000 |
crowdsaleSupply | 60000000000000000000000000000 |
purchaseCoffee | 1000000000000000000000000 |
crowdsaleStartTimestamp | 1517109019 |
purchaseBronze | 3000000000000000000000000 |
Balance | 0.0 ETH |
發件人地址 | 收件人地址 | 金額 | 交易計數 | |
NAM NamCoin,, Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare, Nam Coin (NAM), NamCoin Token, Token Contract | 0x5f681d2998ba6ca... | 60 001 345 921,52 NAM | 1 | |
0x000000000000000... | NAM NamCoin,, Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare, Nam Coin (NAM), NamCoin Token, Token Contract | 60 000 000 000,00 NAM | 1 | |
0x5f681d2998ba6ca... | 0x236614126bcae65... | 60 000 000 000,00 NAM | 1 | |
0x000000000000000... | 0x9f286967a1ec9e6... | 60 000 000 000,00 NAM | 1 | |
0x236614126bcae65... | ENS-BurnAddress, ENS, Burn Address | 44 591 181 284,15 NAM | 2 | |
0x9f286967a1ec9e6... | ENS-BurnAddress, ENS, Burn Address | 23 600 000 000,00 NAM | 1 | |
0x9f286967a1ec9e6... | 0x7b27d70e34f91db... | 20 000 001 000,00 NAM | 2 | |
0x7b27d70e34f91db... | 0x3d7ee8cef6032ca... | 19 999 921 000,00 NAM | 2 | |
0x3d7ee8cef6032ca... | 0x0af62ba521317f1... | 19 578 255 475,01 NAM | 2 | |
0x0af62ba521317f1... | ENS-BurnAddress, ENS, Burn Address | 11 808 642 572,30 NAM | 1 |
方法名稱 | 通話計數 |
transfer | 79786 |
transferFrom | 486 |
approve | 70 |
balanceOf | 13 |
allowance | 3 |
startCrowdsale | 2 |
transferOwnership | 2 |
issueTokens | 1 |
Contract Creation | 1 |
transferCollectedEther | 1 |
引用 | 如 | 交易計數 | |
Event | Transfer | to | 36 |
Function | transfer | to | 32 |
Function | depositToken | token | 9 |
Event | Deposit | token | 9 |
Function | drop | _token | 9 |
Function | issueTokens | _for | 6 |
Event | Cancel | tokenGive | 6 |
Function | cancelOrder | tokenGive | 6 |
Function | withdrawToken | token | 4 |
Function | sellToUniswap | tokens | 4 |
地址 | 呼叫 | 參考 | 轉讓 |
0xe0a22d8f528048e... | 36728 | - | - |
0xe9c1a41b0ba27e8... | 15443 | - | - |
0x3d7ee8cef6032ca... | 4049 | - | - |
0x236614126bcae65... | 2695 | 6 | 6 |
0x514ded150eacb06... | 1307 | - | - |
0x30146933a3a0bab... | 662 | 2 | 1 |
0x1989f933b44dbec... | 492 | - | - |
0xe110312c14193e1... | 436 | 2 | 1 |
0xd55fe7fde226acd... | 418 | - | - |
0x5e881b712adf9da... | 345 | - | - |
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