地址0x05984006707585f66465e8a6505341f46b64fa7a是个Nam Coin (NAM) ERC20
NamCoin, http://namcoin.net/, Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare, Nam Coin (NAM), NamCoin Token, Token Contract
以下是Ethereum Mainnet網絡中不同類型交易的匯總視圖,其中此令牌已被交易,參與或被引用。 詳細視圖可以通過單擊交易計數鏈接打開。
name Nam Coin
totalSupply 120000000000000000000000000000
fundsWallet 0x9f286967a1ec9e6...
decimals 18
unitsOneEthCanBuy 120048
purchaseGold 10000000000000000000000000
crowdsaleDuration 5184000
owner 0x5f591a36a47d63f...
totalEthInWei 3017019166493990960100
symbol NAM
tokenContractSupply 60000000000000000000000000000
crowdsaleRunning false
purchaseSilver 5000000000000000000000000
crowdsaleSupply 60000000000000000000000000000
purchaseCoffee 1000000000000000000000000
crowdsaleStartTimestamp 1517109019
purchaseBronze 3000000000000000000000000
Balance 0.0 ETH
0x7b27d70e34f91db...創建的事務0x37fb86f2eaf3e45... 在 2018-01-27 14:46:02 +0000
貨幣 接收 交易 發送 交易
Ether 3,017.02 1431 3,017.02 1
NAM 60.00G 22 60.00G 1
UST 160.00 2 --
AXE 200.00 2 --
USE 160.00 1 --
CRE 30.00 1 --
SCC 5.00 1 --
ARN 2.02 1 --
XCEL 50.00 1 --
Visit https://eth-apy.org to claim rewards 1.40 1 --
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引用 交易計數
Event Transfer to 36
Function transfer to 32
Function depositToken token 9
Event Deposit token 9
Function drop _token 9
Function issueTokens _for 6
Event Cancel tokenGive 6
Function cancelOrder tokenGive 6
Function withdrawToken token 4
Function sellToUniswap tokens 4
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