地址0x4a9d6b95459eb9532b7e4d82ca214a3b20fa2358是个FEG Stake Shares (FSS) ERC20
以下是Ethereum Mainnet網絡中不同類型交易的匯總視圖,其中此令牌已被交易,參與或被引用。 詳細視圖可以通過單擊交易計數鏈接打開。
BASE 1000000000000000000
BTC 0x3b30bac3c331168...
FEG FEG FEGtoken (FEG), Deflationary Token
FETP ENS-BurnAddress, ENS, Burn Address
TRY 0x0 address
USDT 0x3b30bac3c331168...
_totalSupply 4402920827667119175564670
decimals 18
fETH 0x3b30bac3c331168...
live true
must 3000000000000000
name FEG Stake Shares
owner 0x3b30bac3c331168...
perform true
perform2 true
perform3 false
poolShares FSS
regrewardContract ENS-BurnAddress, ENS, Burn Address
round 60
round1 1
round2 1
scailment 20
scaleatize 99
scalerize 98
scaletor 100000000000000000
scaletor1 20000000000000000000
scaletor2 1000000000000000
symbol FSS
totalDividends 2528893
totalDividends1 0
totalDividends2 0
totalSupply 4402920827667119175564670
totalWrap 4784187356388333848
totalWrap1 0
totalWrap2 0
totalWrapRef 0
totalWrapRef1 0
totalWrapRef2 0
Balance 0.0 ETH
0x3b30bac3c331168...創建的事務0x0c67f34dce27cae... 在 2021-07-31 06:33:41 +0000
FEG Stake Shares 轉讓
發件人地址 收件人地址 金額 交易計數
0x000000000000000... FSS 9 405 875,31 FSS 2757
FSS 0x000000000000000... 5 002 954,48 FSS 1231
FSS 0xfaf2965b9e11e4c... 699 646,09 FSS 1
FSS 0x196bfb6b1c6dca5... 489 004,34 FSS 1
0x196bfb6b1c6dca5... FSS 489 004,34 FSS 2
0xfaf2965b9e11e4c... 0xb2b11a9a3109789... 397 476,65 FSS 1
0xfaf2965b9e11e4c... FSS 302 169,43 FSS 4
FSS 0xf45d91f40a4cf47... 264 335,23 FSS 1
0xf45d91f40a4cf47... 0x47feae4b320e1b4... 262 879,97 FSS 1
FSS 0x7d1aa791676df41... 244 176,85 FSS 2
前10行顯示, 展示更多...
貨幣 接收 交易 發送 交易
FSS 14.41M 3988 14.41M 3988
Ether 10.53 3491 10.53 3489
FEG 9,429.34T 2757 4,956.46T 1231
fETH 16.08 56 16.54 1184
引用 交易計數
Function balanceOf who 8780
Event Approval spender 8182
Event Transfer to 6596
Event Transfer from 6198
Function approve spender 4633
Function transferFrom to 4043
Event LOG_SWAP caller 2381
Event Approval owner 1029
Event Approval dst 494
Event Transfer dst 205
前10行顯示, 展示更多...

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