accessController | 0x0 address |
aggregator | 0x0 address |
decimals | <FAILED TO READ> |
description | <FAILED TO READ> |
latestAnswer | <FAILED TO READ> |
latestRound | <FAILED TO READ> |
latestRoundData | <FAILED TO READ> |
latestTimestamp | <FAILED TO READ> |
owner | 0x21f73d42eb58ba4... |
phaseId | 3 |
proposedAggregator | 0x0 address |
proposedLatestRoundData | <FAILED TO READ> |
version | <FAILED TO READ> |
Balance | 0.0 ETH |
活動名稱 | 事件計數 |
OwnershipTransferred | 1 |
OwnershipTransferRequested | 1 |
引用 | 如 | 交易計數 | |
Function | addAccess | _user | 5 |
Event | AddedAccess | user | 5 |
Event | AddrChanged | a | 3 |
Function | setAddr | addr | 3 |
Function | addTokenInBatches | _feedAddress | 2 |
Function | setTokenInfo | agg_addr_for_underlying | 1 |