平衡 | 0.0000 ETH |
方法名稱 | 通話計數 |
claim | 93 |
setVestingToken | 1 |
Contract Creation | 1 |
registerBeneficiaries | 1 |
活動名稱 | 事件計數 |
Claim | 93 |
OwnershipTransferred | 2 |
RegisterBeneficiaries | 1 |
引用 | 如 | 交易計數 | |
Function | transferAllowed | _from | 93 |
Function | transferAllowed | _msgSender | 93 |
Function | getBurnAmount | token | 93 |
Event | Transfer | from | 93 |
Event | Transfer | to | 1 |
Function | transfer | to | 1 |
Function | transferAllowed | _to | 1 |
Function | whitelist | _user | 1 |