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Portfolio Value by Tokens, Daily History

Portfolio value graph shows the estimated value of all tokens, belonging to the address. It takes into account the daily close price of the token and all deposits/withdrawals over the time. Mouse over the graph to see the details in the table and pie diagram below for the selected date. To select the specific date, click on the corresponding graph area.


Portfolio Accumulated Gain/Loss by Tokens, Daily History

Portfolio Accumulated Gain/Loss graph shows the gain / loss, resulting from tokens holding on the address. Positive profit comes from tokens, gaining the price. If the date range is limited, it will count the profit from the start day in the range. To see all accumulated profit, clear the date range. Mouse over the graph to see the details in the table and the bar diagram below, for the selected date. To select the specific date, click on it. The table and bar diagram below shows the details for every token by the selected date, as well as accumulated profit from the date range start.


市場價格數據是禮貌的 cryptorank.io

此數據也可在API中獲得: API